Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law


Full name of the organization: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law»

License, state, public, international accreditation and certification:

License No. 2046 of March 29,2016 (termless) with right to conduct educational activities. Issued:  Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency.

Certificate of Accreditation No.2005 of June 15, 2016 valid until February 04, 2020. Issued:  Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency.

Acting Rector: Yury Gerturovich Plesovskikh, Ph.D in Law.   Member of the Russian Academy of Law. Chairman of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “Association of Lawyers of Russia”.

Year of foundation: 1970

Total number of students: About 6,000

Specialization: Economic, legal and managerial



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